četvrtak, 12. rujna 2013.



SHOCKING diet is different from other diets in that it is very simple and unlike other " fast " diet can be kept for longer than 3 days without any negative effects . Diet alone was made for 7 days and balanced is a good combination of fat , protein, carbohydrates , minerals and vitamins that will narrow your waist without your body suffers .

The essence juice diet consisting of daily caloric intake to 1000-1200 , split into 5 meals and so the whole week . The only requirement for this diet is that you have plenty of time that is not crowded obligations but that in the quiet rhythm of you to care for yourself .

NOTE: If you have any problems with the endocrine system , kidneys and stomach , then forget about this diet as well as other child for intensive lowering weight .

Every day should consume :
Vitamins and trace minerals that body gets from fruits and vegetables . In the course of a day should eat three types of these foods . Moreover, fresh fruits and vegetables you need to eat between meals and cooked fruits and vegetables to save for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
100 g of plant or animal protein (fish, eggs, dairy products, grains, legumes , pasta , bread , nuts ) . When you are on such a diet the body need protein because they protect against fatigue and loss of muscle mass.
Fats help brain function and enhance the skin and hair. In this diet you should use vegetable oil and 3-5 tablespoons daily supenih in salads .
Carbohydrates will have a 100 gr bread ( bread can be divided into pieces of 20 grams per serving ), 100 grams of rice or potatoes 100 gr or 100 gr pasta . Carbohydrates and starches are also needed because they are the main source of energy. But white sugar should be completely and forever excluded from use.
The seven-day juice diet menu

The first day
Breakfast: two glasses of orange juice and three tablespoons of cooked muesli
The morning snack: Low fat yogurt (2 dl )
Lunch : 180 grams of fish with 15 grams of green beans and add 20 grams of fresh bread .
Afternoon snack : Eat an apple
Dinner: 80 grams of cooked pasta with tomato sauce ( 50 grams ) or boiled egg
The second day
Breakfast: a glass of blueberry juice and a slice of fresh bread integral
The morning snack: one pear
Lunch : salad of two tomatoes , 100 gr cabbage , stewed peas tablespoons tablespoons steamed cabbage. Season with oil and add a piece of bread with cheese (20 g )
Afternoon snack : yogurt (2 dl )
Dinner: 80 grams of spaghetti with fresh vegetables
The third day
Breakfast: yogurt (2 ml ) with a slice of brown bread
The morning snack: two to three Kiwis
Lunch : 200g grilled sea fish with vegetables kuvnaim
Afternoon snack : a cocktail of milk and fruit
Dinner: 70 grams of rice with 100 grams of green vegetables
fourth Day
Breakfast: herbal tea , toast and apple
The morning snack: yogurt (2 dl )
Lunch : 100 grams of shrimp or other morksih fruits , 200 g cooked carrots and green beans ( 50 grams )
Afternoon snack : an apple
Dinner: 50 gr pasta with vegetables and cheese 40 gr minced
fifth Day
Breakfast: a glass of skim milk with three tablespoons of buckwheat
The morning snack: one pear
Lunch : 150g EAGER salad with boiled egg and a slice of bread , half an apple and walnut kernels 5
Afternoon snack : yogurt (2 dl )
Dinner: boiled smaller squid (or cooked chicken leg ), 50 grams of rice , add 150g grated fresh carrots and 40 g of cheese
sixth Day
Breakfast: carrot puree and a glass of whey with a few biscuits
The morning snack: a cocktail of milk and fruit
Lunch : 150g grilled chicken white meat and tomato salad
Afternoon snack : Low fat yogurt (2 dl )
Dinner: 50 grams of cooked rice with mushrooms 50 gr
The Seventh Day
Breakfast : one orange , a cup of fruit tea and two biscuits
The morning snack: Low fat cottage cheese
Lunch : vegetable soup
Afternoon snack : juice of carrots and lemon
Dinner: 60 grams of cooked rice , fried egg and 100 g kale or spinach with a slice of brown bread
Physical activity : Easy walk 30 min. every day, morning and evening .

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