četvrtak, 12. rujna 2013.

Chronolgical diet

Chronolgical diet

-Many have turned to us with issues Chronolgical diet and experiences with it. Also , they asked a simple, easily understandable display child and its implementation .

Tim Dijeta.Net and would not be what it is that the whole diet is reduced to the minimum and , of course , tested on volunteers for a period of 21 days. The story of success / failure of the child is in the second part of the text - because for starters, let's start with a few theories :

Who "invented " Chronolgical diet

A Frenchman Delabos as far back as in 1986. The foundations of hrononutricije and its development flows to the present day. And what is it held Delabos discovered ? Well, simply , it was not any food for every part of the day - a kind of food is adequate for breakfast and another for lunch and dinner ... Of course, the snack has its own " timing " . Sounds interesting ... Next idea and promise of researchers who have improved and developed the idea of a good doctor Delabosa us that dijetalci on Chronolgical diet should not only fast to lose weight but you never feel no hunger ! And as icing on the cake - as if everything mentioned above is not enough - hrononutricionisti promising and well-being of the child is not small, generally improve their health , the transformation of the body and even the disappearance of cellulite (if you have one) !

Chronolgical diet - practical application
If you're a fan of modern cuisine , have little knowledge of food - very easy to adopt (and maybe love it ) this new diet. The basic rule to remember is to immediately : carbohydrates and proteins , except when it comes to breakfast , do not eat the same meal ! Here's what other information needs to work on Chronolgical diet :

For breakfast : Eat animal fats and whole grains (integral bread , rice , etc.) According Delabosu , our body secretes enough enzymes that break down fats and proteins when we wake up , and breakfast can be a rich, fatty meal with bread , butter , eggs , ham , sausages and cheeses. Abundant and rich breakfast provides you less hungry during the day. Everything is allowed except sugar and fruit because too quickly decompose .

For lunch : Eat mainly proteins ( or other animal ) , and some vegetables , steamed best easy and / or in the form of fresh salads . Twice a week for lunch, you can eat and foods that contain carbohydrates and with vegetables . But , not proteins and carbohydrates in the same meal !

Afternoon snack : Eat a small amount of vegetable fats : olives , nuts, peanut butter , honey , or 30 grams of dark chocolate - a little more than two tablespoons . Or some fruit with a low glycemic index .

Dinner: This is the easiest meal of the day, which include fish , lean meat and a green vegetable . Or , if you are still fed from other meals , just skip it ! Avoid carbohydrates in the evening - slow digesting and tend to be converted to fat .

So basically , have breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper .

additional Notes
Breakfast is mandatory ;
For breakfast, never eat fruit ;
Drink plenty of fluids ;
No need to fast in any part of the day ;
It is preferable that the portions are at the same time each day and the distance between meals is a minimum 4 hours , in order to settle pancreatic activity ;
Bread , pasta and starchy vegetables ( potatoes) are served not later than 15 hours ;
Proteins from plant sources could replace the proteins of animal origin ;
No snacking between meals ! So , absolutely nothing !
Sweet milk is not used for its products : sour cream and cheese;
Never go to sleep immediately after a meal - leave the stomach at least two hours before bedtime to " elections " with food.

About diet plan and the central idea of ​​most researchers agree . However , some other things rule controversy . Some authors suggest that it takes 4-6 weeks to come to a redistribution of body fat , others are introduced to food intolerance ( still unconfirmed story) , the third option of consuming alcohol (mostly wine and champagne ) during the child . These things will be set aside even though the idea of ​​drinking wine makes it very attractive and probably the good doctor Delabos wanted to please some and psyche ...

Otherwise, the research confirms that a big breakfast rich in protein , fats and carbohydrates gives better results than the dijetalaca hypocaloric and low carbohydrate breakfast . At Virginia Commonwealth University study , women who ate their largest meal of the day for breakfast, have lost weight and the next eight months , compared with women who are on low-fat breakfast with some carbohydrates (which , immediately after the termination of the experiment began and to gain weight ) .


Worth a try. For some, this diet has changed lives , some did not see any benefit and some are deteriorated . As with any other diet - try it and if it suits you - proceed with implementation until you reach the desired weight / health. If you do not like - at least you will know that it is not for you.

Now experience with Chronolgical diet

Respecting the author of the aforementioned rules of holding the child exactly 21 days.

Results :
3 , 2 kg less ,
4 cm lower waist circumference
8 cm less in hip circumference
reduction of total body fat by two percent and
reduce visceral fat by 2 units

Therefore, the diet has proven to be successful. But (always the but ) : Upon completion of the child , purely for the sake of the experiment , and you , dear readers ( yes, yes - I have sacrificed for you ) - I ate for lunch one poorly combined meal : mashed potatoes , 50 grams of meat and vegetables . Ice cream for dinner . And the next day the scale showed a 1.2 kg more ! The next day (though I'm back on a diet Chronolgical numbers on the scale revealed another 300 grams more - which means I lost 3.2 kg since climbed to more than 24 hours to " get back " almost half ! To note , the level of activity is was the same all day ( and on a diet and abroad : about 2 hours of moderate activity that consumed about 800 kcal) .

Of course , that did not I 'd grown fatter 1.5 kg , but it comes to changes in diet, fluid , and similar stuff , but I think that with a good diet and a rich breakfast - this much variation should not occur . Or this diet just is not for me ... I'll give her a few more days and you a chance to try it there to think about. I report in on what's happening near you .

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