This diet is good for those that Neda too bother with a specific diet plan , read books about it, prepare special meals or even practice .
The diet is based on the fact that you eat a banana in the morning and during the day, drink lukewarm water . Those who are dieting say that the first results seen after only two weeks.
Celebrity nutritionist Kerri Glassman expressed their opposition to this diet and this diet plan . Considers that the menu should include a variety of foods , and not be based on a banana as a magical food.
Banana , according to her, the excellent food that should be included in the menu , but it's not a magical recipe for losing weight ( as in a child with grapefruit or the child , based on cabbage soup ) .
Also consider that this diet can favorably affect a few people , who eat a lot of sweet or eating because of emotions , but in the majority of them will not work. You can not eat what you want , without any restrictions and without exercise , even it still lose weight .
Banana for breakfast:
You can eat more than one banana in the morning , but do not overeat . Eat only raw bananas, which are not frozen . You can replace them and some other fruits. If you're still hungry 15 or 30 minutes after you eat a banana , you can eat something else ( Hitoshi is sometimes eaten scoop of rice, while some forum members suggested oatmeal ) .
Normally eat for lunch and dinner :
Dinner should be up to 18 hours , and if this is not possible, make sure you certainly not after 20 hours. Diet is not restricted to certain foods you should eat for lunch or dinner because he does not like the rigid rules of nutrition and so wants to avoid a feeling of deprivation . At the forum, there are a few tips - eat less rice and avoid fried foods.
It is not recommended to eat dessert after a meal. All meals should eat until you feel full , so to avoid overeating . No wonder the Japanese motives for this since they have a saying: " Stomach eight tenths full needs no doctor. " Also , meals are entered in small bites , chewing slowly .
The only drink that should not drink with most meals is water , and it can enter without limits on quantity. Water should be at room temperature . In her entry , make sure you drink it in small sips so as not to flood the food.
Between meals is allowed to drink protein, low calorie beverages , such as unsweetened tea, coffee or dietetic beverages , but it is recommended to drink more water.
Not recommended frequent consumption of milk. Alcoholic beverages , such as wine or beer , laugh drink occasionally, on special occasions . Alcoholic beverages should be avoided.
The snacks would be best to eat a piece of fruit , you can possibly some chocolate or biscuits , if you accept the desire for sweets .
After dinner, if you are hungry, you can take a piece of fruit , but it will not get into the habit .
Go to sleep you should go up to 22 hours , and in any event no later than midnight .
Be sure to have the last meal and bedtime pass at least 4 hours ( so make sure when you are having dinner depending on when you go to sleep ) .
Principle banana diet is that you do not have to force you to practice if it aggravates stress. However, it would be good to walk at least every day .
How does this diet quickly began to spread the Internet , many Japanese are regularly write posts on forums and blogs about the diet they hold , what they eat and how much weight they lost , and so they 're giving each other support and advice.
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