srijeda, 11. rujna 2013.


    -Learn how to get rid of excess unwanted weight in a natural way.

   Spring generalka

The recipe is simple and does not involve starvation and weight reduction, but it can serve as a beginning to recognize the benefits and adoption of the principles of proper nutrition

Winter is behind us, and instead of spring awakening and enthusiasm we are fighting with the well-known symptoms: headache, lethargy, fatigue, constipation, problematic complexion ... The rapid pace of living, which dictate numerous obligations, disables listening speech of your own body. Unfortunately, it is often that we become aware only when compromising vital functions of the body and undermine our health. Improper nutrition, bundled with alcohol, cigarettes, excessive intake of coffee, with insufficient physical activity, resulting in accumulation of toxins in the body with a few extra pounds.

After heavy winter food should regenerate metabolism and allow the liver, kidneys and lungs treatment in order to restore the body the strength and vitality. A spring is a good time for general cleaning "your own closet."

The thing is, good planning

-A well planned detoksikcija allows sparing the body, thanks to a light diet. The recipe is simple and did not require starvation and necessary weight reduction, but it can serve as a beginning to recognize the benefits of proper nutrition and the adoption of its principles. Relax the body from fast food food, canned foods, drink plenty of water and herbal tea with plenty of fruits and vegetables. In the first part of the day to consume complex carbohydrates such as whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

Carbohydrates form the basis of the energy components of our diet, the holders of the required amount of dietary fiber, and encourage the creation of serotonin and maintain good blood glucose levels. Best are usable if you consume during the morning, when the body requires a lot of energy.
In the second part of the day, during the afternoon, choose foods rich in protein. Mainly recommended animal proteins (white meat poultry, fish, cheese), but a good and desirable substitute legumes, popularly often known as "impoverished meat." The best representatives of the soybean and its products (tofu, seitan). Proteins stimulate production somatotropnog hormones (growth hormone), which has a lipolytic effect, that effect on the breakdown of fat.
Include in your diet foods that act as scavengers intestine. They are characterized by a high content of active substances (enzymes and organic acids) that bind to the toxic compounds and make them easier excretion. Thus, improve digestion, detoxifying effect and purifies the body. Very simple to consume the salad of fresh fruits and vegetables, and have the advantage of fast preparation. The combination is endless and there is no room for monotony menu.

-Leafy vegetables taste bitter (radicchio, endive, arugula) stimulates the liver and gall bladder, and are ideal ingredients for the so-called. chelation therapy. Here in the small intestine leads to cationic binding of toxic heavy metals such as cadmium, lead and mercury. In this way, they do not penetrate into the blood, but are excreted from the body.

From spices to use ginger, turmeric and Mediterranean herbs (rosemary, sage, basil, oregano) that have a large effect on the detoxification of the body, because they stimulate metabolism, and their essential oils provide indoor aromatherapy.
Of great importance is the amount entered fluid that contributes to a better "washing" of the organism. Do not forget the desirable daily intake 1:30 to 2:00 liters. With water and essential green tea, recommended taking tea dandelion, nettle and field horsetail, acting diuretic, stimulate kidney function and thus detoxify the body.
And finally, do you agree that it is good enough reason to proper selection of foods help your own body to do spring cleaning?

Additional guidelines for proper detoxification

  fat using rationally give priority to cold-pressed olive oil
  Avoid the use of refined (white) sugar
  avoid further salting food
  a variety of snacks and replace with dry nuts
  in the days of detox no caffeine drinks, alcohol and tobacco
  Maintain daily physical activity (walking, recreation).

Dinner: 1
Dinner: 2
fruit salad
Fermented milk drink with probiotics
Thick vegetable soup with barley porridge
Cooked trout steamed. spinach cooked
fruit salad
Fermented milk drink with probiotics
Tomato soup brown rice with zucchini lettuce
fresh pineapple
Boiled egg. Chicory salad
Oatmeal with cinnamon pudding
Grapefruit juice
A mixture of Chinese povrća.Raženo powder

Chicken fillet. Green salad with cucumber and celery
fruit salad
Fermented milk drink with probiotics
Intebralna pasta with tomato sauce and Mediterranean spices
Mixed salad with tuna
fruit salad
Fermented milk drink with probiotics
Tomato soup, basmati rice with broccoli and kukuruzom.Zelena salad with beetroot
fresh pineapple
Tofu corn salad with radishes Rye rolls
Muesli fermented milk product
Buckwheat stewed with vegetables. salad of red cabbage.

Turkey steak. salad of beetroot and grated horseradish
Millet porridge of milk
Cream of carrot and poriluka.Krumpir and steamed vegetables. Green salad with radicchio
Orada baked in aluminum foil. Cooked vegetables

Note: Attached detox program may be carried out only by healthy adults. People with health problems (diseases stomach, intestines, liver, kidneys) detoxification program to customize and implement it only under the supervision of a nutritionist and medical control.

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